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Behind the Scenes with Steve Coyle at T4Local: A sneaky peek into the world of advertising

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Hey, I’m Steve Coyle, the sales manager for the direct sales arm at T4Local, and I’m here to give you a sneaky behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like working here. My job? It’s all about selling directly to clients and through regional agencies. We connect with businesses and planners to help get key messages out there. Whether they find us or we go out to find them, it’s all part of the adventure.

I’ve been with T4Local for nine amazing years! What I love most about my job is giving clients the chance to promote their services to their local audience with maximum exposure and interaction. Our products, especially the AdNozzles, are unique in how they engage people. Think about it—when you’re filling up your car, you’ve got some time on your hands, and our AdNozzles grab that opportunity to capture attention like no other.

The biggest challenge? Getting new clients on board. We’re rock stars at account management; our clients love us because we make the whole process seamless, from booking a campaign to the final removal of their advert. Our existing clients keep coming back, which is fantastic. But the real challenge is convincing new businesses to give us a shot. Once they do, they’re hooked!


Tips for Businesses Considering AdNozzles

Preparation is Key: Start planning your campaign well in advance. Rushed campaigns can hit snags, so aim to have everything sorted at least three weeks before the go-live date. But honestly, the earlier, the better.

Know Your Business Cycles: Understand the peaks and troughs of your business. Act when times are good and plan to fill the gaps during slower periods. Don’t wait until it’s too late and miss the boat!

Campaign Length Matters: The length of your campaign is crucial. The old adage says people need to see an advert seven times to act on it. With our four-week minimum campaigns, people typically fill up their cars 3-4 times at the same forecourt. Longer campaigns—8 weeks, 12 weeks—ensure your message sticks and gets noticed repeatedly.

So, that’s a little peek into my world at T4Local. It’s all about creating engaging, effective advertising campaigns and building lasting relationships with our clients. It’s not just a job – every day is a new adventure, and we love having adventures in advertising with our customers at T4Local!