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Do you want to sell more?

Do you want to sell more?

In my town a few years ago there was a hugely well-known business that created its own market-leading success and pushed all its competitors well and truly into the shade. Not in a nasty way, but in one that was guaranteed to ensure they got more than the lioness’s share of the sector-antelope.

The business was a property letting agency, owned and operated by Claire Lloyd. She won more local awards for being the leading, stand-out business of its kind than anyone else. It attracted all the properties and all the renters. If the antelope was all the available revenue in the sector, she stripped it clean, barely leaving morsels of sinew and fur for anyone else.

True story. Fact.

Do you want to sell more? Do you want to increase your sales revenue? If so, you only get to do it two ways: 1) sell something desirable that no-one else is selling so you have no competition or 2) take market share (customers and spend) away from your competitors.

For most businesses this sounds like a big ask! Lots to learn and do, new skills, more hard work, and a complete pain in the ass. If that was the case, I wouldn’t do it either – there are too few hours in the day and probably too little gas in the tank as it is.

But the “ask” is actually tiny – it’s easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy:

Let’s look at what Claire did. At the start she figured that:

  1. To become the most successful business of its type locally she needed to conquer the local business environment.
  2. By being as visible as possible to the 88,000 locals in Aylesbury as possible.
  3. As frequently as possible, so that she became phenomenally well known.
  4. To the lessors and renters in her market.
  5. And those who would come into the market at every point in the future.
  6. She knew the value of varied messages so that the communications didn’t become boring.
  7. And she knew the value of repeatedly telling the audience who and where she was.

So, for a period of around five years she made sure that she utilised a working blend of advertising media in and around Aylesbury. She aimed to communicate with the local population in ways that they couldn’t miss so that her name was constantly heard, considered and remembered until it was their time to buy.

She was literally a local legend, and her business brand was literally legendary.

In Aylesbury (and every other town in the UK) today – there is a truly effective method of communicating with – and connecting you and your brand to – the local population. By selecting strategically located petrol filling stations you can guarantee high-volume exposure to your target audience. With the best designed advertising on each petrol/ diesel fuel nozzle you can ensure that you speak louder than any other business in your sector. With different messages, incentives and benefits – you can promote the reasons to talk to you in a highly persuasive way. And through varying your advertising across the course of the year you can ensure that everyone knows your name.

You will literally be brand famous, just like Claire Lloyd.

This legend is called AdNozzle Advertising from T4 Local – and we are ready, willing and able to help you grow your business!


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