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Fantastic results for ‘Wake up’ campaign

Posted on March 18, 2019 by T4 Local

The campaigns we run with t4Local are aimed at improving driver behaviour. These include drink-driving, child passenger safety and motorcycle awareness. With a 100% driver audience, AdNozzles convey our critical awareness messages in a targeted, direct and cost-effective way. Not only do they target drivers in the right place and at the right time, we […]

Essex County Council

Posted on by T4 Local

t4Local’s petrol pump nozzles were selected for the Essex County Council’s ‘Life Begins at 50’ campaign because of their capacity to reach motorists quickly and effectively with a minimum amount of wastage. Forecourt media allows us to target Essex motorists specifically at relatively low entry costs. This, coupled with a geographically relevant message, makes it […]

Soft Mints hit the forecourt

Posted on by T4 Local

We selected t4Local’s forecourt media formats as an integral part of a wider out of home campaign to support our Softmints brand. The dual messaging on the petrol pump nozzle, combined with the door graphic, worked together to create a forecourt journey. This meant that we were able to communicate with our consumers at two […]

Generating a buzz of excitement with AdNozzles

Posted on by T4 Local

As the manager of Olivelimes, I take great pride in offering an exceptional dining experience to my guests and try to ensure that our advertising reflects this. I have had many different ideas to promote Olivelimes in the past, but this was the first time I have used AdNozzles. As it is such a unique […]

What first attracted us to AdNozzle advertising was the price!

Posted on by T4 Local

What first attracted us to AdNozzle advertising was the price! It was very reasonable and we loved the fact that our name would appear across the whole garage on each and every nozzle. Plus it was local! Our main objective was to raise local awareness of Andrew & Andrew. Advertising with the AdNozzles did exactly […]

Solicitors Reap The Rewards

Posted on by T4 Local

As we at Rickerbys are always looking for new and innovative methods of promoting our services, t4Local’s pump advertising really caught our eye. They offered prime locations to help put the Rickerbys brand in front of the ideal audience as well making us officially the first law firm in the country to promote their services […]

Targeted coverage in rural and hard to reach areas

Posted on by T4 Local

We chose AdNozzles to raise awareness of our big projects across Dartmoor and Exmoor as we felt that they offered targeted coverage in rural and hard to reach areas, whilst being a unique way to promote the Airband brand. Our objective for this campaign was brand awareness and whilst this can be difficult to track, […]

The length of time that the promotion ran for was a real advantage that AdNozzles have over other media

Posted on by T4 Local

Gatton Manor Hotel and Golf Club is a golf, business and leisure venue in the Surrey Hills. Golf is the main focus of our business and attracting new players is always a challenge. The objective of our forecourt ad was to present a good value offer to encourage both repeat and new players. We selected […]

“We have already recommended it to other David Lloyd Health Clubs!”

Posted on by T4 Local

Advertising on AdNozzles was the perfect way for us to build local awareness and increase membership sales for our Kings Hill Health Club. The memberships we secured directly as a result of this activity meant that the campaign paid for itself. The exposure of our Health Club to local people proved to be a great […]

The Capitol Horsham

Posted on by T4 Local

“We all get millions of emails every day and it’s very easy to ignore or delete them – but with AdNozzles it really worked because it’s with the customer as they fill up for a number of minutes”. “All our performances sold out, so the evidence was really clear that our message was out […]